Slams and extra-schooling educational spaces




Slam, Education, Youth


Assuming the comprehension of the role of an emancipating education for youth, by having in its formation the social actors themselves, engaged and acting critically, and considering the limits that the formal education may present to the formation of young students, we aim, in the present essay, to launch a reflection about the acting of young people, for the most part inhabitants of urban outskirts, that have been building expressive spaces as the poetry battles known as slams. In these battles, its actors vehicle poems that speak about the experiences that they live and that, in general, tell about the various forms of marginalization and oppression to which they are subject for their territorial or identitary origins. There is an intention, in the battles, of promoting the debate and awareness, of those subjects participating, about social issues, in a way of learning about oneself, about their space, their rights. We support our reflection on bibliographic review, illustrating it with the case of the Slams das Minas [Gal’s Slams, in free translation], a circuit of battles promoted by young women. We consider that slams can be thought as spaces of popular non-formal education, able to contribute in the social and human formation of the subjects that participate of them.


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Author Biographies

Danielle Marcia Hachmann de Lacerda da Gama, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia

Master in Social Sciences, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, State of Bahia, Brazil.

Diogo Linhares Fernandes, Federal University of Bahia

Master degree student in Anthropology, Federal University of Bahia, State of Bahia, Brazil.


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How to Cite

GAMA, D. M. H. de L. da; FERNANDES, D. L. Slams and extra-schooling educational spaces. Revista de Educação Popular, Uberlândia, v. 19, n. 2, p. 109–122, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/REP-2020-51674. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.