Supervised curricular internship in non-school areas

contributions to initial training of educators


  • Ana Lúcia Nunes Pereira State University of Bahia
  • Marina Graziela Feldmann Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo



Supervised internship, Nonschool education, Teacher in training, Pedagogy


The study analyzes the supervised curricular internship in non-school areas and its contributions to the educator’s initial training. We start with the question: what formative contribution does the supervised curricular internship in non-school spaces enable teachers in formation from the Pedagogy Course in the State University of Bahia? Our research objectives are: identifying the articulation between curriculum, culture, and training in the internship in these areas and then, analyzing if the internship in these areas has contributed to the student’s formation. The research fits the principles of qualitative research, developed in two interdependent phases. The first one consisted of bibliographic research and document analysis about the referred field of study. The second one was an investigation of the phenomenon, which seeks to rescue the view of the subjects involved in the formation process. The subjects of this study were thirty teachers in formation and five coordinator teachers. The study showed that the internship in non-school areas is an important field for the expansion and performance of the professional educator; as a space for building education and humanization and also explained the distance between theory and practice in the development of their actions.



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Author Biographies

Ana Lúcia Nunes Pereira, State University of Bahia

PhD in Education (Curriculum), Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil; assistant professor at the State University of Bahia, State of Bahia, Brazil.

Marina Graziela Feldmann, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

PhD in Education (Curriculum),Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil; full professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brasil; leader of the Teacher Training and School Daily Research Group.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, A. L. N.; FELDMANN, M. G. Supervised curricular internship in non-school areas: contributions to initial training of educators. Revista de Educação Popular , Uberlândia, v. 19, n. 1, p. 102–125, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/rep-v19n12020-49970. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.