Navigating organizational, educational and socio-environmental practices of the Amazonian riverside people

strategy of resistance and existence




Organizational Practices, Riverside peoples, Socio-environmental fights, Living nature, Amazonian peoples


The article is about the fight of the riverside peoples for the conservation and preservation of the natural resources of their territories and it aims at analyzing the organizational, educative, and socio-environmental practices of the Amazonian riverside people as strategies of resistance and existence in the origin territory. It is an unfolding of a master degree research in Society and Culture in the Amazon, of the Federal University of Amazonas entitled “The meaning of the practices of socio-environmental sustainability of the Living Nature Environmental Group - GRANAV along with the Riverside Communities of the Municipality of Parintins-AM”. It was orientated by a qualitative approach, based on the dialectic conception and its intense relationship with the reflections, analyses, and discussions about the data collected. In the results obtained, it is possible to point out that the organizational, educational, and socio-environmental practices have contributed with the improvement of public policies towards the environmental, social, educational, cultural, territorial, and economic conditions the riverside peoples of the Amazon. It is important to report the ample process of sensitization by means of the popular education which extrapolated the limits of the communities involved, empowering the socio-environmental fights and the mobilization in defense of the nature


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Author Biographies

Edilson da Costa Albarado, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

PhD student in Education, Federal University of Pará, State of Pará, Brazil; substitute professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, State of Amazonas, Brazil; member of the Amazon Field Education Studies and Research Group (GEPERUAZ/UFPA) and the Amazon Environment Education Studies and Research Group (GEPEAM/UFAM).

Maria Eliane de Oliveira Vasconcelos, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

PhD in Education, Federal University of Pará, State of Pará, Brazil; professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, State of Amazonas, Brazil; member of the Amazonian Field Education Research and Study Group (GEPERUAZ/UFPA).


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How to Cite

ALBARADO, E. da C.; VASCONCELOS, M. E. de O. Navigating organizational, educational and socio-environmental practices of the Amazonian riverside people: strategy of resistance and existence. Revista de Educação Popular, Uberlândia, v. 18, n. 2, p. 59–80, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/rep-v18n22019-46967. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.