Estratégias de leitura do gênero discursivo informativo
experiência em uma estação rotacional
Literacy, Reading, Reading strategiesAbstract
This article aims to identify the reading strategies used by groups of students who were in the process of appropriating the alphabetic writing system when rotating through the reading station of an informative text. The methodological path is a qualitative research-intervention research based on the model of rotation stations in a second year elementary school class. The results identified that the main reading strategy used by the groups was the activation of world knowledge, considering that the students had studied about bees before the intervention was carried out; the anticipation of content occurred when they created hypotheses to confirm the use of a certain word; and the location and/or retrieval (copy) of information was identified in the words that needed to be filled in the spaces during the process of reading the text, making it possible to see that in the literacy process students use the most varied reading strategies.
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