Pandemia e ensino remoto
uma reflexão sobre a construção do ethos discursivo de alunos do ensino médio
Remote teaching., Ethos., Pandemic., Students. TecnologyAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the living conditions in various social spheres, and the educational field has undergone several changes in order to supply some of the teaching and learning process. In this context, we aim to analyze some statements of high school students and show the various ethos (images of self) that they construct in this period of remote education. To achieve this, we use in this paper 10 statements of students who are attending high school in a public school in the state of Ceará. As theoretical basis, we used the studies of Aristotle (2005), Maingueneau (2006), Amossy (2016), Heine (2007) and other authors who reinforce the discussions of ethos. We noticed that the statements reveal several images about remote teaching, but those of difficulty and concern gain more prominence, evidencing that the moment is complicated and that students need greater support to overcome some obstacles in teaching. This work encouraged us to reflect in order to understand that many images are built due to remote teaching and that the concern with didactic resources for the improvement of the educational process should always be on the agenda.
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