Avaliação no Ensino Religioso

Prática pedagógica do Ensino Básico na pandemia e para além dela


  • Jacqueline Crepaldi-Souza PUC Minas




Avaliação, Ensino Religioso, Competências, Critérios


This article has the general objective of describing an evaluative methodology for Religious Education. With bibliographic and qualitative methodology, it presents essential criteria for the evaluation in Religious Education. It states that the evaluation in school Religious Education must address the entire teaching-learning process, situating three fundamental variables of this process: the activities that the teachers promote, the experiences that the students carry out and the learning contents. These variables lead to the learning objective of acquiring and mastering skills. In Religious Education, this domain cannot always be recognized through written expression activities, which is why it has specific criteria. It is concluded that the activities of assessing the competences of the student in Religious Education surpass the ability to perform specific actions or answer real questions, but also analyze the competence to act in the face of realities, integrate knowledge, skills or attitudes that enable their use in other contexts


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How to Cite

CREPALDI-SOUZA, J. Avaliação no Ensino Religioso : Prática pedagógica do Ensino Básico na pandemia e para além dela. Olhares & Trilhas, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 426–446, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/OT2021v23.n.2.59989. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/olharesetrilhas/article/view/59989. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.