Live’s transforming powers and discursive-dialogical status for the creation of new sociodiscursive practices in the Covid-19 pandemic context
as potências transformadoras para a criação de novas práticas sociodiscursivas no contexto da pandemia da covid-19
Teaching, Genre, Live, Social transformation, Pandemic contextAbstract
In this study, we argue that Live is constituted especially as responses to social demands that arise from the pandemic context of the covid-19 and allow the historical expectations of different discursive spheres to be made possible. Especially regarding the notion of genre in Bakhtin's speech (2011), we will examine the Live “Strategies for protection and monitoring outside the school physical environment”, promoted by the Civil Police of Paraná (PCPR), pointing out characteristics that can guide it the understanding of Live as a discursive genre that is strengthened in the context of the pandemic. Considering that, for this discussion, investigate how the constitution of genres is associated with the transformations of concrete social relations and how the discursive elements that singularize their production, circulation and reception are established. From this, we discuss the peculiarities that trigger discursive links related to the historical context, the spheres, institutions and subjects involved, the orchestrated practices, the technologies and means of communication used and the social struggles involving the genre Live. Finally, we highlight that the combination of all these elements singularizes Live's discursive-dialogical status, which has gained stability in the pandemic context.
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