A obra como resistência

Uma análise da produção do artista David Wojnarowicz e suas conexões com o ensino das artes visuais


  • Wellington Soares Gomes Laboratório de Estudos e Criação Bixórdia
  • Fábio José Rodrigues da Costa




David Wojnarowicz; Art Education; Visual arts; queer.


El artículo es un recorte de la investigación, en marcha, "Enseñanza de las Artes Visuales y Escuela sin Homofobia" vinculada a la línea de investigación Didáctica de la Enseñanza de las Artes Visuales del Grupo de Investigación Enseñanza del Arte en Contextos Contemporáneos - GPEACC / CNPq. La investigación en fase de análisis de la producción de artistas gays/artivistas que tengan producciones que remiten las prácticas y vivencias de estos como miembros de la población LGBTI+. Aquí presentamos la obra del artista David Wojnarowcz asumidamente gay y que colaboró activamente por la defensa de los derechos LGBTI+ y luchó hasta su muerte para erradicar el SIDA.
PALABRAS CLAVE: David Wojnarowicz; Educación Artística; Artes Visuales; LGBTI+

ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the work of the American artist David Wojnarowicz (1954-1992) who, in 2010, was the victim of censorship in the United States by the Catholic League, which pressured the National Portrait Gallery to withdraw from a poster exhibition on sexuality video “A Fire in My Belly”. The 1987 work lasts 30 minutes and over 11 seconds it presents ants walking on an image of Jesus Christ on the cross. The video excerpt located in its production context puts us in front of issues related to HIV / AIDS that in the 1980s became a problem faced worldwide and that still affects us, despite the advances obtained in recent decades. Wojnarowcz was not the only artist to deal with the theme in his work and as he many sought to address the suffering of people victimized by the disease, as well as the loss of their partners. The article is an excerpt from the ongoing research, “Teaching Visual Arts and School without Homophobia” linked to the line of Didactics in Teaching Visual Arts from the Research Group Teaching Art in Contemporary Contexts - GPEACC / CNPq. The research in the analysis phase of the production of queer artists / artivists who have productions that refer to their practices and experiences as members of the queer population. Here we present the work of the artist David Wojnarowcz, admittedly queer and who actively collaborated in the defense of queer rights and fought until his death to eradicate AIDS.
 David Wojnarowicz; Art Education; Visual arts; queer.


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How to Cite

GOMES, W. S.; RODRIGUES DA COSTA, F. J. A obra como resistência: Uma análise da produção do artista David Wojnarowicz e suas conexões com o ensino das artes visuais. Olhares & Trilhas, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 1, p. 46–63, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/OT2021v23.n.1.56468. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/olharesetrilhas/article/view/56468. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.