Complex Adaptive Systems and Teacher-Student Connection on a Language without Borders Context


  • Semírames Bruna Ávila
  • Gasperim Ramalho de Souza Professor Assistente da UFLA



Portuguese as an additional language, IsF, Pedagogical materials, Oral academic contexts, Teacher training


The article reports the process of material development for the specific context of Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA). The pedagogical proposal for the implementation of genres in English-language classroom for specific purposes (RAMOS, 2004), as well as the dynamics suggested by Silva; Leurquin (2014) for the development of pedagogical materials guided the development of a teaching unit on the genre ‘oral presentation’, which was used and tested in classes of foreign exchange students enrolled in Languages ​without Borders courses at the Federal University of São João del Rei- Brazil. Considering the lack of work on oral genres in foreign language classrooms, we sought to reflect on the implications of the development of materials for specific purposes for the teaching-learning processes of PLA at universities, as well as for initial teacher training.


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Author Biography

Gasperim Ramalho de Souza, Professor Assistente da UFLA

Doutorando pelo CEFET-MG, Professor Assistente da UFLA


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How to Cite

BRUNA ÁVILA, S.; RAMALHO DE SOUZA, G. . Complex Adaptive Systems and Teacher-Student Connection on a Language without Borders Context. Olhares & Trilhas, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 3, p. 489–502, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/OT2019v21.n.3.49734. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.