Aplicando conceitos teóricos em atividades educacionais no campo do mlearning:

affordance, agência e rizoma


  • Giselda dos Santos Costa




Mobile Learning, Affordance Agency, Rhizome


Learning with mobile technology is often described as ubiquitous, has portability qualities, allows you to learn in an individualized and personalized way anytime, anywhere. However, some papers need theoretical foundations to meet the needs of this field of research. According to Luis and D'Cunha (2014), theory determines what we observe, how we observe and what we consider valuable. It has power and can affect how people live and how they see the world. The theoretical tools we use can shape what we see and what we do. In the case of mobile learning, this can affect the way people access and interact with the world through technology. Traxler and Kukulska-Hulme (2007) found many reports of research projects   which were not always based on a theoretical foundation. Sharples, Taylor and Vavoula (2005) point out that there is still a theory of education appropriate to the mobile age. This article is based on the argument that the lack of theory or theoretical concept in research with technology compromises its quality. It aims to present three concepts as a theoretical magnifying glass to work with Mlearning: Affordance, Agency and Rhizome.


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Author Biography

Giselda dos Santos Costa

Doutora e mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Professora titular vinculada ao Instituto Federal do Piauí- IFPI. Tem experiência na área de Linguística com ênfase em Ensino de Língua Estrangeira, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: novas tecnologias para educação, letramento visual e mobile learning com uso da tecnologia móvel ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira.


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How to Cite

COSTA, G. dos S. Aplicando conceitos teóricos em atividades educacionais no campo do mlearning:: affordance, agência e rizoma. Olhares & Trilhas, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 1, p. 83–95, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/OT2019v21.n.1.46266. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/olharesetrilhas/article/view/46266. Acesso em: 5 nov. 2024.