Reflections on Languages without Borders Programs
Language without Borders Program; EFL; Teaching PracticumAbstract
This experience report seeks to describe the Language without Borders Program, more specifically English without Borders (IsF) at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) in 2013 and 2014. In this program, the levels 2 to 5 of the English language were taught to UFU’s undergraduate and graduate students. The teaching practicum students were English or Portuguese-English Letters undergraduate and graduate students and the classes were held at Santa Monica and Umuarama Campi. Besides IsF Program description and My English Online (MEO) website, teaching theoretical and methodological principles applied to IsF will be considered. Finally, some considerations on IsF impact on the academic community and its importance on Brazilian universities internationalization will be brought to discussion.
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_______. Brief Reflections on the UFG/REJ’s Internationalization. ItinerariusReflectiones, v.14, n. 3. Jataí: UFG, 2018. Disponível em: