Portuguese without Borders at UFRRJ and the importance of the extension courses for teaching practices
Education of Portuguese as a second/additional language teachers, Extension actions , Teaching and learning of Portuguese as a second/additional language.Abstract
This paper aims to show the relevance of the extension courses for the development pedagogical actions in the Portuguese as a second/ additional language area in the context of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). For this purpose, the articulation of the theoretical assumptions related to the conception of language-culture (MENDES, 2008, 2011) and discursive genres (ROJO e BARBOSA, 2015; MARCUSCHI, 2008) will be presented and discussed with the methodological assumptions based on Kumaravadivelu (2003). The results show that the planning of actions for this type of course is sensitive to the needs of the participants, both the teacher training courses in that area and the teaching and learning courses of the Portuguese for speakers of other languages.
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