About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Olhares & Trilhas is published in yearly volumes composed of three issues, separately published and released only over the internet.

All issues are organized and edited under the responsibility of the Chief Editor and the Editorial Board, and they are composed of original papers that focus on researches in the large area of Education, that bring contributions to the improvement of the quality of teaching practices and  to the agency of teachers in schools.

Special issues will also be managed by guest editors who propose the special topic for the journal. The Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee of the journal will be responsible for approving the topic for special issues. Proposals must be submitted according to the timetable prepared by the Chief Editor in the call for proposals. The proposals should be evaluated and approved by the Chief Editor and by the Editorial Board. The Scientific Committee will analyse and evaluate the approved proposals for special issues, who will decide on the relevance of the topic.

 The journal receives only original papers, including reviews, which will be sent to in-house and ad hoc reviewers.

 Each issue will be composed of scientific papers (articles, essays, reviews, experience reports, interviews, galleries); and they can also include a commentary, foreword, or  other sections that might be created.

Peer-reviewed Process

Olhares & Trilhas uses the double blind peer-review system. Both reviewers and authors do not have access to each other's names. Two reviewers review all articles in the journal. If there is a discrepancy, the article is evaluated by a third reviewer. The reviewers have 30 days to conclude their review. Reviewers are chosen taking into account their academic experience on the topic of the article to be evaluated.

In order to successfully complete the whole double blind peer-review process, authors must submit their articles in .doc, .docx or .rtf format, without any authorship or membership identification, including file metadata (document assets). In the text, in the figures (as well as in graphs and tables) and bibliographical references, the guidelines of the journal require that all information regarding the name and affiliation of the author(s) be withdrawn (authors should use the word AUTHOR instead). Authors must not include sources of financial agencies, nor acknowledgment section. These informations are added in the final version of the text, in the editing board.

Regular publications

Olhares & Trilhas is published in yearly volumes composed of three issues, separately published online on April, August and December and it is dedicated to researches, essays, experience reports in the large area of Education, that bring contributions to the improvement of the quality of teaching practices and  to the agency of teachers in schools. Special issues can be published according to the number of submissions, congress proceedings, and in partnerships with institutions or Research Groups.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.