Self-regulation of Learning in Early Childhood Education: Results of the application of an Intervention Plan

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Maria Roberta Miranda Furtado
Maely Ferreira Holanda Ramos
Eliene Baltazar Costa


This article aims to understand the contributions of self-regulated learning to the cognitive development of preschool children through games and activities. This is a quanti-quali study that presents the application of an Intervention Plan in Kindergarten classes, having as object the Self-Regulation of Learning. Applied to a sample of 120 children and 4 teachers, the possibility of promoting self-regulation of learning through games and games was verified and, subsequently, the evaluations carried out by the teachers regarding the students' responses after the intervention were quantitatively analyzed. The data were organized into groups indicating what the students were able to do without difficulties, with difficulty and what they were unable to do. The use of games and games in the Project was essential for carrying out the research, the resources promoted a great involvement of the children regarding the study proposal.


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Furtado , M. R. M., Ramos , M. F. H., & Costa , E. B. (2024). Self-regulation of Learning in Early Childhood Education: Results of the application of an Intervention Plan. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–22.


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