Conceptual approaches to statistical variability in Brazilian research: a systematic literature review

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Edicarlos Pereira de Sousa
Irene Maurício Cazorla
Carlos Eduardo Ferreira Monteiro


The idea of variability is important for learning statistics because it helps in understanding the variables, the origin of the data and their typical characteristics. Seeking to identify how Brazilian research addresses statistical variability, in order to promote statistical education to students and teachers, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations and Portal de Periódicos of Capes, and in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. The results suggest that there is little research on statistical variability in Basic Education. Most of the publications included focus on initial or continuing teacher training, evidencing the absence of studies about student learning. The publications also indicate that there is little approach and conceptual limitations regarding topics such as centrality, dispersion measures, dotplot and bloxplot. It was found that activities related to comparison and representation are insufficient, implying difficulties in appropriating the investigated concept.


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Sousa, E. P. de, Cazorla, I. M., & Monteiro, C. E. F. (2024). Conceptual approaches to statistical variability in Brazilian research: a systematic literature review . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–24.


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