Aspects of the Professional Identity of a Teacher who teaches Mathematics in the context of Probabilistic Education

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Lemerton Matos Nogueira
José Ivanildo Felisberto de Carvalho


This work aims to identify and analyze aspects of the Professional Identity (PI) of a Teacher who Teaches Mathematics (PEM), revealed through her participation in a study group on Probabilistic Education. To do so, we looked at a set of actions developed in the group, referring to planning, development and collective reflections about a class on probabilistic risk. We analyzed the teacher's narratives from the methodological perspective of constructing Cores of Meaning, focusing on the constituent aspects of her PI. Two Nuclei were evidenced. These covered important aspects relating to beliefs and conceptions linked to knowledge to teach about probabilistic risk. Furthermore, they revealed personal, emotional and sociopolitical aspects related to her IP as PEM.


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Nogueira, L. M., & Carvalho, J. I. F. de. (2024). Aspects of the Professional Identity of a Teacher who teaches Mathematics in the context of Probabilistic Education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 31(Contínua), 1–24.


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