The Statistical Poster, an instrument for the statistical training of future teachers Experience Reports

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Johnnalid González


This article presents the pedagogical experience of the poster as a final project in the subject of Statistics, for first-year students of Education in public university. The systematization to prepare the poster as an instrument for statistical literacy in the training of educators is part of the objective. This study, in the form of a trial, began in the 2018-2019 academic period, considered the diagnostic stage, however, it had an evolutionary process in its methodology in times of pandemic. Among the findings, pedagogical support is prioritized to integrate the content seen in class with a technological platform, for the promotion of an interaction forum on educational approaches during the confinement period. These results were based on the Project Based Learning model of the statistical poster as a central axis in the research experience for teacher training in Statistical literacy.


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González, J. (2023). The Statistical Poster, an instrument for the statistical training of future teachers: Experience Reports. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e042.
DOSSIER 1 - Statistical Education: research and contemporary perspectives


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