Statistical training in post-degrees in Epidemiology, Collective Health and Public Health public universities of Brazilian

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Vanêssa Brito Fernandes Neves
Natalia Elis Giordani
Laís Alves Silva
Luciana Neves Nunes


This work aims to provide an overview of training in Statistics in Stricto Sensu Postgraduate courses in the area of ​​Public Health. In Brazil, there are 32 public universities that offer postgraduate degrees in the area, 22 (68.75%) Federal and 10 (31.25%) State and Municipal. Document analysis was carried out on 391 syllabuses of Statistics subjects. Of these, 13.25% were classified as basic level in statistics, 16.62% as advanced and 70.13% as advanced. Note that the North Region has fewer Postgraduate programs in the area, therefore reducing the need for more investment. The syllabi involve complex Statistics concepts and indicate intense use of computational resources. Therefore, it is interesting that postgraduate students have high levels of statistical literacy and computational thinking in order to perform well. It seems that the PPG curricula in Epidemiology, Public Health and Public Health are promoting knowledge that favors the development of comprehensive statistical thinking and the development of autonomy for the application and interpretation of statistical concepts by postgraduates.


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Neves, V. B. F., Giordani, N. E., Silva, L. A., & Nunes, L. N. (2023). Statistical training in post-degrees in Epidemiology, Collective Health and Public Health public universities of Brazilian. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e041.
DOSSIER 1 - Statistical Education: research and contemporary perspectives


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