Citizenship practices of university students with and without statistical literacy

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Jesús Enrique Pinto Sosa
Abelardo Miguel Castillejos García


The objective of the study was to know, characterize and identify if there are differences between the citizenship practices of statistically literate and non-literate university students. Two instruments were administered (a Statistical Literacy Test and a Citizenship Practices Survey) to a convenience sample of 849 students of different majors from two universities in the southeast of Yucatán (Mexico). Except for some items where low-magnitude differences were found, there is not enough evidence to confirm that there are differences between statistically literate university students and their non-literate counterparts in citizenship practices. Said practices are characterized, the attributions are analyzed and the implications are communicated depending on the context, the study programs, the curriculum, the teaching and the challenges to develop a statistical literacy in the university, closely linked to citizen education.


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Sosa, J. E. P., & García, A. M. C. (2023). Citizenship practices of university students with and without statistical literacy. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e–030.
DOSSIER 1 - Statistical Education: research and contemporary perspectives


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