The textbook “Didáctica de la Matemática Eurística” from Pedro Puig Adam

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Maria Teresa González Astudillo
Myriam Codes Valcarce


The “Didáctica Matemática Eurística” is a textbook that shows the great teaching work of Professor Pedro Puig Adam in Sapin, In this document we analyze the lesson from the point of view of the didactics of mathematics. The mathematical content of the lessons corresponds to the Spain baccaulaureate in the mid-20th century. The analysis allowed us to rediscover the lessons as well as unravel the didactic orientation that, the active role of the students, as well as the knowledge of the limitations of the students and their difficulties. Thus three dimensions of the lessons are shown according to the author: instructive, hermeneutic and historical.


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Astudillo, M. T. G. ., & Valcarce, M. C. . (2021). The textbook “Didáctica de la Matemática Eurística” from Pedro Puig Adam. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e019.


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