Design of a didactic strategy of computational thinking for young people with Rare Diseases of the INèDITHOS association

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Sebastià Verger Gelabert
Marc Salas Colom
Laia Riera Negre
Francisca Negre Benassar


Based on the educational needs of those affected by rare diseases in the field of mathematics, the design of a didactic strategy focused on enhancing the computational thinking of 3 Secondary Education participants in charge of the INèDITHOS association is proposed. In parallel, using the IPECC project management model as a focus and starting from the needs in digital skills that the volunteer team shows, a virtual training space is designed and implemented focused on the use of the resources that make up the same strategy didactic. In this way, its correct implementation is guaranteed in the context of the association, as well as examples of sessions, video tutorials, visual resources, etc.


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Gelabert, S. V. ., Colom, M. S. ., Negre, L. R. ., & Benassar, F. N. . (2021). Design of a didactic strategy of computational thinking for young people with Rare Diseases of the INèDITHOS association. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 28(Contínua), e011.


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