The teaching of Mathematics in the Common Base National Curriculum in the final years of Elementary Education
Main Article Content
This research work aims to discuss, through the process of implementation of the National Curriculum Base, the influences of the new guidelines for the teaching and learning process in middle school education. It was raised the question: What are the perspectives and aspirations regarding the teaching of mathematics with the implementation of BNCC in middle school? Thus, based on the qualitative methodology, with emphasis on the case study, we sought to analyze how mathematics teaching occurs in this new configuration, taking as a reference the work that has been developed in a school in the city of Altamira-Pa. From theoretical background, analyzing the school experiences the discussion on the object of study, implementation of the BNCC, it was possible to realize that there are doubts and questions on the part of the teachers, it was possible to understand that there are doubts and questions from teachers, which leads us to the need for training and intensive dialogue between educators and education departments in the context of the implementation of the BNCC.
Article Details
The published works are the property of their authors, who may make use of them for subsequent publications, always including the original edition (original title, Ensino em Re-Vista, volume, number, pages). All articles in this journal are the sole responsibility of their authors, and no legal responsibility for their content rests with the Journal or EDUFU.
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