The construction of knowledge about society

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Juan Delval


The child has to build models or representations of the social reality in which he lives in order to try to give a sense to the world around him and also these representations serve as a framework for his action. Most of them are not simple copies of the adults, but constitute a personal construction and differ qualitatively from those of the elderly. Study of the knowledge developmentabout society in children attracts more and more attention from researchers. Constructivist position emphasizes the subjectactivity, and the existence of infant beliefs different from those of adults and the social context, and the universality of some of these beliefs, force us not to forget the personal construction work that subject has to do.


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Delval, J. (2018). The construction of knowledge about society. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 25(1), 11–32.
Dossiê O conhecimento social na perspectiva piagetiana


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