Literacy Teacher Training by the Right-Age National Literacy Pact Program (PNAIC): Reflections on Evaluation Carried out by the Municipalities

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Leonete Luzia Schmidt
Jacqueline de Souza


The aim of this article is to know how the municipalities evaluated the implementation of continuing teacher education at PNAIC. For that purpose, it was necessary to verify who was responsible for monitoring the Pact's actions in the municipality; to identify how the evaluation of this program was performed; and to analyze the relationship between what is contained in the proposal of the Pact and the evaluation carried out by the municipalities. The methodological procedure was the documentary and field research, the latter carried out at the Association of Municipalities of Laguna Region (AMUREL). The results showed that the municipalities signed the Pact and designated local coordination and study advisors, who were held responsible for the evaluation, and considered that the training was successful. However, the research revealed that the municipalities did not make any effort for the proposal of literacy that was worked in training to be transformed into public policy for literacy in the municipalities.

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How to Cite

Literacy Teacher Training by the Right-Age National Literacy Pact Program (PNAIC): Reflections on Evaluation Carried out by the Municipalities . (2019). Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(Especial), 1077-1101.


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