Militarization of public schools. What project is this?

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Raquel Araújo Monteiro Brandão
Tânia Serra Azul Machado Bezerra
Marcelo Pustilnik de Almeida Vieira


In this article, we present the historical contexts of military schools in Brazil, their objectives and the contradictions throughout the implementation process, in order to understand the program created under Jair Bolsonaro's government. The so-called Civic-Military Schools were created by the National Program of Civic-Military Schools (PECIM) with the aim of increasing educational rates in the country. We point out several factors and facts that demonstrate that the efficiency of military colleges as a solution for public schools is not true. We include facts that show that the presence of military personnel in school is problematic in a free, plural and democratic society. The implementation of authoritarian disciplinary practices, in addition to being inadequate for the public school environment, removes fundamental rights from both teachers and students. We end with theses that oppose government arguments and point to other possibilities for the Brazilian scenario.


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Brandão, R. A. M., Bezerra, T. S. A. M., & Vieira, M. P. de A. (2024). Militarization of public schools. What project is this?. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 23(Contínua), e2024–19.


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