The curricular limits and their implications in the Experimental Medicine Course at USP (1968-1974)

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Lys Angélica Lamera Vane
Matheus Fachini Vane
Joaquim Edson Vieira


The 'Experimental Medicine Course' at USP, which originated in the 1960s, proposed the 'bio-psycho-social' integrality of health and illness in its curriculum. Its teaching method, inspired by the 'Problem-Based Learning' strategy, presented real health situations as a rationale for student-centered learning objectives to solve these problems. The two medical courses at USP in São Paulo—the current one, called traditional, and the new one, experimental—did not have harmonious administrative coexistence. In 1974, they underwent their 'curricular merger.' This text reports semi-structured interviews conducted between 2014 and 2016. The reflections of its then teachers and students support these analyses. They suggest the formation of an idealistic group with a strong identification with the course. The interviews indicate that its foundations were constituted by the voluntary pedagogical training of teachers who imposed limits on the new curriculum.


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How to Cite
Vane, L. A. L., Vane, M. F., & Vieira, J. E. (2024). The curricular limits and their implications in the Experimental Medicine Course at USP (1968-1974). Cadernos De História Da Educação, 23(Contínua), e2024–17.


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