The family environment and the option for teaching: a study including three generations of the Ceccato family

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Joyce Carolina de Freitas
Giovanna do Amaral Ceccato de Lima Gabinio
Alboni Marisa Dudeque Pianovski Vieira


The research that gave rise to this article investigated the relationship between the family environment and the professional choice of teaching. The study was carried out with support in cultural history, seeking to investigate the place occupied by the family environment in the choice of the teaching profession. The general objective is to analyze the dynamics of the relationship between the family environment and the professional choice of teaching. The research has a bibliographic, documentary and field character, with a qualitative approach. The main authors are: Nóvoa (2000), Moita (2000), Faht (2011), Bohoslavsky (2015) and Bourdieu (1983). The field research involved the life history of three teachers from the Ceccato family, covering the period between 1959 and 2015. With the analysis of the data, it is understood that the choice of profession is influenced by both the family and the social context, and both varying, to a greater or lesser extent, according to the period in which one lives.


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Freitas, J. C. de, Gabinio, G. do A. C. de L., & Vieira, A. M. D. P. (2024). The family environment and the option for teaching: a study including three generations of the Ceccato family. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 23(Contínua), e2024–13.


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