A study on the historical context of the North of Minas in the 19th century and the trajectory of the teaching profession of Chiquinha Leite (c.1840-1911)

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Danilo Arnaldo Briskievicz


The text is structured around the contradiction of the patriarchy in relation to the professional teaching trajectory of the teacher of the mixed school of Três Barras, Chiquinha Leite, against which she had to fight to insert herself in the teaching career, in the few gaps or crevices of the XIX century. We show how the performance of men in the Senado da Câmara (public administration), in the Comarca do Serro do Frio (administration of justice) and in the parish of  Nossa Senhora da Conceição (ecclesiastical administration) was based on the system of favors and regalism. On the other hand, we show how the place of the teacher depended on the understanding of patriarchy and its rules historically inherited as a colonial and imperial pedagogical gesture, which in fact is the method of reading this context. The study is part of an attempt to deepen the foundations of female teaching in Minas Gerais in the 19th century.


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How to Cite
Briskievicz, D. A. (2024). A study on the historical context of the North of Minas in the 19th century and the trajectory of the teaching profession of Chiquinha Leite (c.1840-1911). Cadernos De História Da Educação, 23(Contínua), e2024–12. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v23-e2024-12


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