Management in Perspective

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
Published April 26, 2024
Revista MiP - Management in Perspective

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Management in Perspective - MiP is an electronic journal of the School of Business and Management (FAGEN) - Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). MiP seeks to publish papersin the field of Administration that establish a theoretical, methodological or practical dialogue between management and other areas of knowledge.

MiP accepts the submission of articles in a continuous flow. After the submission of the paper, the initial screening includes a plagiarism analysis followed by an initial evaluation by the Editor in Chief. Papers that do not meet the scope of the journal are desk-rejected. After this initial screening, a double blind review evaluation is started.

For accepted papers, the authors will be required to use the style format of the journal to send the final version of the manuscript.