Science and its Three Histories

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Roberto Perides Moisés


The process of fragmentation of the community is not a recent phenomenon, a product of capitalist relations, although this is its primacy. A detailed study with a certain bias will lead us to a crucial moment in the formation of communities, of the human and of science and of its process of generalized fragmentation. In our view, the depletion of capital has offered opportunities to reflect on civilizational projects that are currently presented, making evident fundamental elements that are not the most important elements of the Democratic Movement.. And in this state of the art, not even our certainty in our understanding of number, numeral, and algorithm will escape critical scrutiny.


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How to Cite
Moisés, R. P. (2024). Science and its Three Histories. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–37.
DOSSIER - Logical-historical movement of concepts: fundamentals, teaching and research


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