The contribution of Zaporozhets to the analysis of child development in preschool age

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Juliana Campregher Pasqualini


The article presents the results of a theoretical investigation that explores Zaporozhets' contributions to the understanding of psychic development in preschool age, seeking to extract implications from the historical-cultural analysis of child development for pedagogical action. The author's main propositions regarding the development of perception, emotional processes and motor development in the preschool period are systematized. In line with the literature, the study carried out allows us to identify that the unit that articulates Zaporozhets' analysis of the partial processes of the preschool psyche is the action and the development of mechanisms for its voluntary control by the child. We also highlight the pedagogical principle of amplification, which points to the need to enrich typical preschool activities in order to promote the development of psychic neoformations specific to this age period, without forcing the emergence of capabilities typical of later periods.


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How to Cite
Pasqualini, J. C. (2023). The contribution of Zaporozhets to the analysis of child development in preschool age. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 7(3), 1–26.
DOSSIÊ - Contribuições da Teoria Histótico-Cultural à formação docente e à atividade pedagógica


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