Organization of Physical Education Teaching and the Development of Students's Theoretical Thinking
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This article presents a research that aimed to investigate the theoretical-methodological conditions capable of generating results, through the teaching of Physical Education, learning that promote the development of students. Theoretical concepts in physical education mean meanings that enable different phenomena that provide students with either theoretical and conscious thinking and specific concepts of physical education that can be expressly specific, that is, a bodily action allowed to be AND immediately become voluntary and mediated by the theoretical concepts. As not all teaching has training potential, we ask ourselves: how to organize Physical Education in order to promote this development? In search of answers, we carried out a didactic study, without which actions did fundamental experiments in the Historical-Cultural Theory were formulated in a class of the 4th year of Elementary School, working contents of a collective game. Through the analysis of the experiment, we concluded that in the organization of actions, as did the practices that pre-conceptualized teaching, the theoretical concepts play the role of student rehearsal were a presentation of the media of the learning problems to be solved by the media of the concepts in study ; collective discussions between students and between them and the teacher; the use of language, in this case, modeling, as a means to systematize abstract relationships presented in the particular task performed; inclusion of new problems that can be solved based on the abstraction expressed in the modeling.
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