Beyond prejudice and the celebration of everyday life: natural science teaching and the development of theoretical thinking in Youth and Adult Education students

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Hélio Messeder da Silva Neto
Igor Oliveira Tavares
Lorena de Souza Santos


It is common in Youth and Adult Education (EJA) a suspicion about the cognitive capacity of students, assuming that they would not be able to learn natural sciences, as this would supposedly be a very abstract science. On the other hand, trying to combat this conception, many papers end up advocating that the teaching of natural sciences should be linked to everyday life and appeal to an appreciation of the spontaneous knowledge of EJA students, almost devaluing school knowledge, thus disregarding the importance that scientific knowledge has for the development of the subject beyond its immediate needs and uses. Understanding that none of these conceptions enhances the work in Youth and Adult Education, this work aims to discuss the role of scientific knowledge in the thinking of adults and aims, from the foundations of historical-cultural psychology, to tension prejudiced views about students. of the Youth and Adult Education while showing the impact of scientific knowledge on the thinking of students in this segment. The article is divided into two parts, in the first, an analysis of the functioning and development of thought on the theories of Lev Vigotski and Vasili Davidov is presented, in the second part, in the mediation with the teaching of natural sciences, we deal with the contributions to the development of theoretical thinking in EJA.


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How to Cite
Messeder da Silva Neto, H., Tavares, I. O., & de Souza Santos , L. (2023). Beyond prejudice and the celebration of everyday life: natural science teaching and the development of theoretical thinking in Youth and Adult Education students. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 7(1), 1–27.
Author Biographies

Hélio Messeder da Silva Neto, Federal University of Bahia []

Igor Oliveira Tavares, Universidade Federal da Bahia – Brasil

Lorena de Souza Santos , Federal University of Bahia []


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