The meaning and emotion in the content of the reason for the study activity

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Valdirene Gomes de Sousa
Lucas Vieira Lemos
Karoline Pignatel Saccon


In this article we make a reflection in the form of a bibliographic essay on the content that moves the student to the study activity. Based on the theoretical foundations of Historical-Cultural Psychology, referring to the basic elements of the structure of human activity, by Leontiev and Davídov, we analyzed the place of meaning and emotion in the student's activity. The objective was to identify the relationship of the senses and emotions that arise as a reason content in the study activity. The reflections result from the theoretical readings and experiences of the three author teachers. We consider the study activity (object of analysis) from the perspective of the general structure of the activity. This correlation, we identified the desire, the will and the significance as links that connect the senses and emotions to the reason for the activity, that is, as of this content.


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Sousa, V. G. de ., Lemos , L. V., & Saccon, K. P. . (2021). The meaning and emotion in the content of the reason for the study activity. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 5(2), 328–353.


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