Potentialization of psychological development in adolescents through the representation of their moral ideal in dramatized play

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Daniel Rosas Alvarez
Claudia Amézquita Rescalvo


The present study is configured from the historical-cultural perspective, having as main references Bozhovich, Elkonin and Vygotski, who characterized adolescence as an age that presents social relations between contemporaries as a general line of development. This psychopedagogical method contributes to the development of new psychological qualities such as the development of self-awareness, and the establishment of medium or long-term goals, the construction of affective relationships between peers or peers, and the development of a self-assessment that allows the adolescent to position themselves in a group according to their interests and motives. The objective was to promote psychological development in adolescents through the representation of their moral ideal in dramatized play. The natural and formative experiment was used as part of a descriptive investigation. Eight adolescents aged 12 to 16 years old participated. Activities were carried out with the adolescents for 25 days, four hours a day. Evaluation activities were carried out on the first and last two days. The remaining days correspond to proper training activities: role play, self-assessment and other activities that required collective participation for their solution. The results show that the development of close communication between peers was favored, and with it the establishment of intimate personal relationships. It is concluded that the representation of the moral ideal through dramatized play activity favors the positioning of adolescents in a group that allows them to develop the psychological new formations typical of adolescence.


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Alvarez, D. R. ., & Rescalvo, C. A. . (2021). Potentialization of psychological development in adolescents through the representation of their moral ideal in dramatized play. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 5(1), 144–163. https://doi.org/10.14393/OBv5n1.a2021-60592


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