Formation of a concept of nature of scientific knowledge using the theory of P.ya Galperin from the Chemistry History

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Robson Fágner Ramos de Araújo
João Pessoa Pires Neto


This article aimed to analyze the formation of concepts of high school students, on the nature of scientific knowledge from the History of Chemistry related to the episode of August Kekulé's “dream”, using the methodological possibility of Formation Theory by Stages of Mental Actions, proposed by Galperin (1982). For that, a sequence of teaching was applied in a class of the 3rd year of High School in a state school in the city of Campina Grande - PB. The results point to the methodological possibilities in the organization of teaching activities aimed at the formation of scientific concepts and understanding in the scientific development process, through the assimilation of the operational steps guided by the Action Orientation Base, evidenced in the activities developed in the school space.


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Araújo, R. F. R. de ., & Pires Neto, J. P. . (2021). Formation of a concept of nature of scientific knowledge using the theory of P.ya Galperin from the Chemistry History. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 5(3), 803–822.


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