An integrating conception of human learning
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Throughout the history of scientific psychology, different learning theories have been developed. These theories are unilateral since they address partial aspects that are considered in a categorical way, namely, without considering different ones. The polarity between stimulus-response theories and cognitive and humanist theories is an example of this position. Hence, being supporters of a fullest and most objective knowledge of the psyche, we consider necessary to work for a dialectical, synthetical or integrating learning theory that would critically incorporate, re-elaborate and integrate everything that the worldwide psychology has provided related to this direction. According to the dialectical principle of analysis and synthesis unity, it is not denied, but affirmed, the need for analytical or partial theories that deepen the nature of different aspects and moments of human and animal learning, without hyperbolizing or falling into unilateral approaches. The position we assume is dialectical since we strive for a multilateral approach that emphasizes human learning as a reflex of the sociohistorical context, and, simultaneously, considers the creative function of what is learned. We advocate the need to develop and present a psychological learning theory as a pivotal theme for the general and the pedagogical psychology, given its theoretical and practical value. This is a collective and long-term task. In the present article, we advance some points that can be discussed, maintained, abandoned or improved.
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