From the diagnosis of teaching to systematization of the imitation-creation unit: a didactic-formative intervention with the teacher trainer

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Waleska Dayse Dias de Sousa


Doctored research completed in 2016 with the aim of indicating contributions to the training of teachers in a historical-cultural perspective. The  methodology  used  was  of  the  didactic-formative   intervention   type,   which   in   the research  was  understood  as  the  process  of collective research and training that intervened  in  the  scope  of  teaching  with  the development of interdependent and simultaneous   actions   of   training,   planning and  implementation  of  teaching  and  study activities, observation of classes and evaluation in a perspective of dialectical unity with   the   objective   of   contributing   to   the integral development of teachers and students.  The  research  was  developed  at  the Federal  University  of  the  Triângulo  Mineiro - UFTM, with   professors   who   work   in   the undergraduate  courses.  The  intervention  was developed in three stages: diagnosis, development   of   research-training   and   data analysis    with    the    use    of    identification questionnaires,    interviews,    observation    of classes,   analysis of   documents   and   study meetings,   planning,   evaluation.   As   results were  evidenced  in  the  diagnosis  of  teaching three   references   of   the   training-action   of university   professor:   memorized   references, empirical    and    praxis.    They    guided    the referrals of the didactic-formative intervention.    From    these    references    the imitation-creation  unit was  systematized  in the formation of teachers. The research hopes to  promote  the  deepening  of  the  debate  about teacher training in a developmental perspective,   besides   subsidizing   from   the theoretical-methodological  point  of  view  the university     professor     committed     to     the permanent   constitution   of   his   pedagogical praxis.


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Sousa, W. D. D. de. (2019). From the diagnosis of teaching to systematization of the imitation-creation unit: a didactic-formative intervention with the teacher trainer. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 2(3), 618–642.


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