Reflections on the teaching of taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics and the development of abstract thought
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The present work aims to expose preliminary results of reflections on the teaching of living things classification systems (addressing taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics) and the development of the psychic function “thought”, focusing on empirical abstract thought and theoretical abstract thought. In order to achieve the mentioned objective, we take as a reference the proposals of Vygotsky and Davidov on the development of conceptual thought as well as key elements of phylogenetic systematics systematized by Mayr and Amorim. We conducted a bibliographic research through which it was possible to identify elements of empirical science and formal logic in taxonomy, as well as elements of theoretical science and dialectical logic in phylogenetic systematics. We discuss the relationship between the teaching of these classification systems and the development of strictly abstract thought. It deserves attention to the fact that, unfortunately, systematics is not a constituent element of the biology teaching of elementary and high school.
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