The Pantanal comprehends a set of heterogeneous and biodiverse landscapes of esteemed environmental, economic and social value. The study of soils is effective to stratify and to understanding the operation of these environments. The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare soils of lake landscapes of the Pantanal: baías (freshwater lakes), salinas (alkaline lakes) and their respective levees (sandy ridges originally with forest vegetation). For this purpose, we carried out field work with sampling, in triplicate, of superficial soil layers in 12 representative areas of low and high Nhecolândia; analytical determinations of 26 soil attributes were performed, totaling 936 response variables and statistical analyses were performed in order to synthesize the data and present the results. In both landscapes, the fine sand fraction predominates in the soil granulometry. The textural class of the soils varied from very sandy, medium sandy and medium sandy for the baías; very sandy for the levees, with particle density related to the presence of quartz; and very sandy, medium sandy, medium clayey and clayey for the salinas. In the chemical attributes and organic matter, the baías stand out for higher potential acidity (H+Al), slightly high organic matter contents and availability of metal ions, especially Fe; in the levees, higher average remaining phosphorus (Prem) are more evident; while the saline lake soils are related to more alkaline pH values, high base saturation and high Sodium Saturation Indices (ISNa). Salinas landscapes presented the highest data variability and have soil attributes that refer to the action of different environmental processes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022 Diogo Costa Nascimento, Guilherme Resende Corrêa, Frederico Santos Gradella, Prímula Viana Campos, Viviane Arantes Koch, Bruno Nery Fernandes Vasconcelos