The problematic of sandy lands in Paranavai Municipality -PR
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STIPP, Marcelo Eduardo Freres. The problematic of sandy lands in Paranavai Municipality -PR. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, 2005. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v1-2005-9807. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.


The sandy lands are a process of scouring with sand forming a sandy area, which corresponds to a reworking of the sands due its constant mobility, involving the transformation of not solids deposits is sandy areas. This work tried to establish the characterization of this phenomenon of scouring with sand in a local level, occurring in arenaceous areas in the Northeast of the state of Paraná, specifically in the urban site of Paranavaí. It was also made an evaluation of the environmental degradation as well as different causes for what provoked these sandy areas. Being an area with a high level of soil decomposition with the highways routes crossing it, it was necessary, besides bibliographic data that allowed a theoretical basis, a research applied in order to supply subsides for future planning related to the space organization. The evolution of the use and soil occupation in this area has been processed within an urban planning which considered by no account neither soil characteristic, the vegetation nor the predominant climate in that region. The mechanisms of region atmosphere circulation were analyzed, the alterations or attributes of the climate as well, aiming to identify the genesis of the erosion sandy and possible time and space distribution. Initially, the main characteristics of the region were collected, components e processes working on the land model. It was observed how it worked and the use and occupation of the soil in past times and currently. During 2004, using the Environmental Fragility Letter, the areas of erosion were identified, ravines and strong erosion that compounds the first stages of the focused problem. The sandy land is a process that involves erosion, transport, e accumulation, meaning most of times the loosing of Biosphere productivity. For monitoring these risk areas some measuring canes were made to measure the soil loss, which were used in several spots of erosion in the urban area in Paranavaí. The measurement happened in every two months for a year in six different pre-established spots through satellite image that turned it valid in the study field. All together, the pluviometrical levels were analyzed to be related to the soil losses. It was observed initially that the causes of these facts were reflection of inappropriate handling of the urban soil, and in second time it was noticed that it had a broaden reach, involving from ecological unbalance, to politics, social and economical interests. Among them; the stabilization of this sand scouring some suggestions were made: the plantation of some trees in specific seasons of the year which hold the best conditions for their developing, for instance, during the Winter the temperature is lower and the insolation lower as well, consequently it provokes a higher level of soil humidity.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Marcelo Eduardo Freres Stipp
