Methodological proposal for evaluation of susceptibility to environmental degradation
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Environmental analysis
Natural Resources
Land use and occupation

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ALBUQUERQUE, E. M.; LIMA, E. R. V.; SOUSA, M. F. B. Methodological proposal for evaluation of susceptibility to environmental degradation. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 35, n. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v35-2023-67360. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.


Land use and occupation is a research theme that contributes to the analysis of the territory dynamics, reflected in the relationships between society and nature that modify the landscape. These relationships include environmental, spatial, cultural, and socioeconomic factors that integrate the environment from a systemic point of view and perform functions and activities capable of maintaining or disturbing the natural balance of the environment. Thus, knowing the limits of environmental systems is a way to live rationally with the exploitation of natural resources for the development of the various human activities. Therefore, this study aimed to propose a method to assess the degree of susceptibility to environmental degradation, using geoprocessing techniques, in the Immediate Geographical Region of “Princesa Isabel” (IGRPI), located in the semi-arid region of Paraíba. Geology, pedology, geomorphology, rainfall, vegetation cover, and land use and occupation data were integrated into the Geographic Information System to compute the Biophysical Index of Susceptibility to Environmental Degradation (BISED) in the IGRPI. The analyzed factors were more fragile in rural areas because of natural factors, since in urban areas there are more intense anthropogenic activities, and the BISED ranged from low to high, especially in municipal seats, indicating that the region, even being little developed, has the opportunity to plan the environment for a future with sustainable exploitation.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Erickson Melo Albuquerque, Eduardo Rodrigues Viana Lima, Maria Fátima Barroso Sousa


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