Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil: a contemporary resistance in Guanabara Bay
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Guanabara bay
Environmental conflicts

How to Cite

GUERRA, W. de S. D. Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil: a contemporary resistance in Guanabara Bay. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 31, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v31-2019-43277. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 feb. 2025.


The Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro –COMPERJ- is one of the largest developments in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Since the time of its announcement in 2007, it has always been considered a problem for the environment and for people who take their livelihoods from nature, such as artisanal fishermen. The Guanabara Bay is the main field of the environmental conflicts originating from the petroleum industry, and it is not different with COMPERJ. Environmental conflicts in the Guanabara Bay have been widely debated, however, it has been necessary to discuss them in the context of the slowdown of the enterprise, to bring a contemporary panorama of the resistance of the counter-hegemonic groups. Through qualitative research, from interviews and field visits, it was possible to verify that even with the deceleration of the enterprise, it is still seen as a threat to the environment.
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