Correlation study between land use and cover mapping with surface temperature registered by Landsat satellite 8
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Remote sensing
TIRS sensor
Image processing
Software SPRING

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HENDGES, E. R. .; FOLLADOR, F. A. C. .; ANDRES, J. Correlation study between land use and cover mapping with surface temperature registered by Landsat satellite 8. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 32, p. 357–366, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v32-2020-42828. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 sep. 2024.


The vegetative cover of the terrestrial surface is one of the factors of the temperature variation of the air found in these places. Thus the objective of the present research is to verify the spatial correlation between land use patterns and surface temperature values (Ts) recorded by the Landsat 8 satellite. The study area is located in the rural area of Francisco Beltrão / PR, characterized by the presence of subsistence agricultural uses. Data from scenes dated 11/27/2017 and 12/13/2017 were processed, both to obtain land cover and land cover maps, as well as surface temperature data. The Ts recorded by each land use class: water, forest, dirty field, field, crop and exposed soil, showed a strong correlation of Pearson, being 0.9116 and 0.9292 respectively for the mapped scenes. When analyzing the homogeneity among the Ts variances of each class, it was verified that mean values do not have a significant minimum similarity between them. The Tukey test indicated that for the first date none of the classes of use presented values similar to each other. By the second date the water and forest classes presented Ts statistically similar, besides the classes of dirty field and field.
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