The theory-practice relationship in the times of alternation


  • Francisca do Nascimento Silva Centro Educacional Familiar de Formação por Alternância Manoel Monteiro
  • Paulo Roberto de Sousa Silva Universidade Federal do Maranhão



Alternation, Alternation Pedagogy, Theory-Practice, Praxis


This article proposed to explain the relationship between theory and practice in the Alternation Pedagogy of Family Centers for Alternation Training (CEFFA). The construction was theoretically supported by the authors Gamboa (1995), Vázquez (2007), Gimonet (2007), Begnami (2019), Ribeiro (2010), and Caldart (2009). The systematization was possible based on bibliographical research, which directed the construction of the path of conceptions of the theory-practice relationship, from the ideological and pragmatic dichotomies to the dialectical unity of praxis and the Pedagogy of Alternation of CEFFA. The research allowed us to understand that theory, practice, and praxis are forms of human behavior in the face of historical and contradictory reality, as well as affirming the relevance of the relationship between theory and practice in the theoretical systematization of the Pedagogy of Alternation of CEFFA, enhanced, above all, by the pillars ends and means, through a diversity of pedagogical instruments that give vivacity to the alternation in a dialectical way.


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Author Biographies

Francisca do Nascimento Silva, Centro Educacional Familiar de Formação por Alternância Manoel Monteiro

Master's degree in Education and Teaching from the State University of Ceará, State of Ceará, Brazil; teacher at the Manoel Monteiro Family Alternation Training Center, State of Maranhão, Brazil.

Paulo Roberto de Sousa Silva, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

PhD student in Public Policy at the Federal University of Maranhão, State of Maranhão, Brazil.


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VÁZQUEZ, A. S. Filosofia da práxis. Buenos Aires: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales; São Paulo: Expressão Popular, 2007.



How to Cite

SILVA, F. do N.; SILVA, P. R. de S. The theory-practice relationship in the times of alternation. Revista de Educação Popular , Uberlândia, n. Edição Especial, p. 400–415, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/REP-2024-74013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.