Experience of remote training of community leadership in Health Unic System during the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Yasmin Maria Sátiro Cruz Tavares Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Ruth Maria Mendonça Anacleto Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Daiana de Paiva Gomes Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Daniella de Souza Barbosa Universidade Federal da Paraíba https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3533-146X




Popular Health Education, Community leaders, Popular participation, Circles of conversation


This work aims to promote training spaces for community leaders, under the political-pedagogical dimension of Popular Health Education (EPS), for the full and equitable exercise of the principles of popular participation and social control in the spaces that compose Primary Healthcare of the Unified Health System (SUS) in João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil. The experience of the course took place through the holding of 11 virtual meetings held via the Google Meet platform, weekly, for three consecutive months, in which 11 external facilitators who work with EPS in a theoretical-practical way, 4 teachers and 4 extension workers participated. and 51 course participants. As a result, it was noticed that the project helped in the formation of possible community leaders and in the ideation of a future from a problematizing teaching-learning, directed to the reality in which these actors are inserted, arising in all those involved a feeling of belonging, hoping. It was concluded that the course, through the exchange of knowledge and popular practices, proved the effectiveness of EPS as a powerful instrument for strengthening and effectivation of popular participation in health in the SUS, favoring the formation of community leaders, even in remote teaching.


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Author Biographies

Yasmin Maria Sátiro Cruz Tavares, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Undergraduate student in Medicine, Federal University of Paraíba, State of Paraíba, Brazil.

Ruth Maria Mendonça Anacleto, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Undergraduate student in Medicine, Federal University of Paraíba, State of Paraíba, Brazil.

Daiana de Paiva Gomes, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Undergraduate student in Nutrition, Federal University of Paraíba, State of Paraíba, Brazil.

Daniella de Souza Barbosa, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

PhD in Education, Federal University of Paraíba, State of Paraíba, Brazil; adjunct professor at the Center for Medical Sciences, Campus I, Federal University of Paraíba, State of Paraíba, Brazil; member of the Research Group on Health Policies, Education and Care (GPECS/CCM) and of the Center for Studies and Research in Collective Health of the Center for Health Sciences (NESC/CCS).


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How to Cite

TAVARES, Y. M. S. C.; ANACLETO, R. M. M.; GOMES, D. de P.; BARBOSA, D. de S. Experience of remote training of community leadership in Health Unic System during the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista de Educação Popular, Uberlândia, p. 176–187, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/REP-2022-66867. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/reveducpop/article/view/66867. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.