The knowledge and mathematical sayings of EJA students
"the reading of the world precedes the reading of the word"
Youth and Adult Education, Mathematical knowledge and saying, DailyAbstract
This article discusses the knowledge and mathematical sayings of students in Youth and Adult Education (EJA), highlighting the importance of their reading of the world. We take as a methodology a qualitative approach with an interpretive basis. Thus, the focus of this work is discussing Popular Education in the form of EJA under the Freirean perspective and analyze what EJA students know and say about Mathematics, considering the practice of reading the world performed by them in their daily lives, aiming to establish the relationship between the context in which the subjects who are part of the research are inserted. We substantiate with the authors: Freire (1988, 1987), D’Ambrósio (2008), Arroyo (2017), among others. From the investigations, it was possible to notice that EJA students experience a journey of displacement between work and school on a daily basis. They develop mathematical skills in their daily lives and practice readings of the world that can find meaning and value for students when articulated with school mathematics. Therefore, they are practitioners of mathematical operations in life, of the “reading of the world”, and wish to appropriate the school's mathematical knowledge to add to their own, which, above all, are utilitarian and need to be valued in the school curriculum.
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