Contributions of the legacy of Paulo Freire to educator training

revisiting some works of the pernanbucano author




Paulo Freire, Educator training, Social transformation


Despite the harsh criticism Paulo Freire has suffered in recent years, orchestrated by the current (mis)government in Brazil, undoubtedly is the fact that his works have been and still are studied to this day, contributing significantly to the training of national and international educators. Incontestable are also the contributions grasped through the readings of the writings of this world-renowned author from Pernambuco and that in 2021 would complete 100 years if he were alive. Based on these premises, this article aims to highlight the contributions of the legacy of  Freire  to educator training, based on the works  Pedagogy of the Autonomy  and  Pedagogy of the Oppressed, thus being able to reflect upon the process of construction of human emancipation. To this end, the study was willing to perform a theoretical-bibliographic analysis of these books, supported by the contributions of Freire (2010), Marini (2018), Pavan (2011), among other authors, referring to teacher education as well as Freire’s work. It was inferred from this investigation that Paulo Freire’s perspective brings in its core significant contributions to the different educational subjects, from the moment they become aware of their roles in the transformation of a society of antagonistic classes, founded on the exploration of man by man.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Carlos de Sousa, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Master degree student in Education, State University of Ceará, Brazil; full professor at the Russas Municipal Education Network, Ceará, Brazil.

Thiago Falcão Solon, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Master degree student in Education, State University of Ceará, Brazil; full professor at the Caucaia Municipal Network, Ceará; member of the Pro-Inclusion Research Group (UFC) and of the Education, School Culture and Society Research Group (EDUCAS/UECE).


Betânea Moreira de Moraes, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

PhD in Education, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil; postdoctoral internship at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; adjunct professor at the State University of Ceará, Brazil; researcher at the Institute of Studies and Research of the Workers' Movement (IMO/UECE).


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How to Cite

SOUSA, A. C. de; SOLON, T. F. .; MORAES, B. M. de. Contributions of the legacy of Paulo Freire to educator training: revisiting some works of the pernanbucano author. Revista de Educação Popular , Uberlândia, p. 97–113, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/REP-2021-62039. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 nov. 2024.