
cultural/religious practice of blessers and traditional midwives in the Macapá, State of Amapá, Brazil




Traditional Midwives of Amapá, Benediction as Cultural/Religious Practice, Afroindigenous Cultural Heritage


In this article we will address the benediction, a common practice in the Amazon and in several traditional communities of the State of Amapá. Women called blessers/healers and/or midwives play a fundamental sociocultural and spiritual role in their communities. The present text deals with a qualitative reflective work that used bibliographical research, documentary analysis, direct observation and interview as a form of investigation. The research revealed that the knowledge of blessers/healers and midwives is threatened with extinction in the state of Amapá, because current generations do not show interest in learning this practice of healing. Another threat consists in the change of religion of some of these women and / or relatives, who, when entering the Neo-Pentecostal evangelical churches, abandon their spiritual gift because it is considered a demonic practice in these environments.


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Author Biographies

Elivaldo Serrão Custódio, Federal University of Amapá

Post-doctorate in Education, Federal University of Amapá, State of Amapá, Brazil; professor at the Madre Tereza College in Santana, State of Amapá, Brazil; an effective professor at the State Secretariat of Education of Amapá, Brazil.

Piedade Lino Videira, Federal University of Amapá

Postdoctoral researcher in Brazilian Education, Federal University of Ceará, State of Ceará, Brazil; assistant professor at the Federal University of Amapá, State of Amapá, Brazil

Fábio José do Espírito Santo Souza, Federal University of Amapá

Undergraduated student in Pedagogy, Federal University of Amapá, State of Amapá, Brazil; activist of the black cultural movement of Amapá, Brazil.

João Felype Barreto Ferreira, Federal University of Amapá

Undergraduated student in Pedagogy, Federal University of Amapá, State of Amapá, Brazil.


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How to Cite

CUSTÓDIO, E. S.; VIDEIRA, P. L.; SOUZA, F. J. . do E. S.; FERREIRA, J. F. B. Benediction: cultural/religious practice of blessers and traditional midwives in the Macapá, State of Amapá, Brazil. Revista de Educação Popular, Uberlândia, v. 18, n. 1, p. 196–208, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/rep-v18n12019-45910. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.