About the Journal
Revista de Educação Popular is a publication of the Pro-Rectory of Extension and Culture, of the Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU). With four-monthly periodicity, the journal aims to publish original papers which prioritize approaches and analyses on the theoretical and practical production in fields of popular education, popular culture and popular education in health, as well as papers that present discussions aligned with themes and references from the field of popular education, in genres such as article, experience report, research communication and review.
Revista de Educação Popular (REP) was created on the November 27th, 2001, as a result of the Popular Educators Formation Program of PROEXC. Having been institutionalized, REP became a publication of PROEXC/UFU and has been consolidated to spread social, political, aesthetic and ethical transformative possibilities, based on theoretical, philosophical, scientific and artistic orientations that oppose to exclusive practices of knowledge production and to social hierarchy of objects of study.
Popular Education, Popular Education in Health and Popular Culture.
Focus and Scope
REP prioritizes approaches and analyses that deal with production (theoretical and practical) in the fields of popular education, health and culture, fostering socialization of academic and social movements’ production, providing the insertion of present time themes and problems on the learning, research and extension process of the University and also providing the addition of knowledge produced by Academia on nowadays reality analysis by social movements or other external communities.
- to register and disclose experiences and reflections on popular education, health and culture, aiming to provide theoretical and methodological support to the development and implementation of actions related to these themes;
- to operate as a disclosing space to the knowledge production derived from specific groups’ demands;
- to facilitate exchange experiences with other institutions committed with the popular perspective.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14393/REP
Qualis Score (Journals) A4 (Quadrennium Journals’ Ranking 2017-2020).
Diadorim, DOAJ, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Latindex, Latindex Catalogo 2.0, CAPES Journals, Portal Mineiro de Periódicos, Brazilian Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (Oasisbr), REDIB, Sumários.
REP has a four-monthly frequency and welcomes texts on a continuous base. The selected texts published collectively, which occurs when the summary for the issue is ready at the end of each four-month period.
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Each issue is composed by at least ten original papers, classified by type: Articles; Experience Reports; Research communication; Point of View; Book Reviews.
Target audience
In view of its objectives, REP holds as its target audience: public school and social movement teachers; participants and/or professionals of movements related to popular education, popular health and popular culture; students of different educational levels, especially higher education institutions students.
Form of assessment
The journal uses blind peer review as its assessment process. To ensure the integrity of this type of assessment, all possible care is taken not to reveal the identity of both authors and evaluators, which requires some precautions with the text and with the document properties:
a) Document authors must exclude their names from the text, replacing them with “Author” and the the year in references and footnotes, instead of authors’ names, article title etc.;
b) in Microsoft Office documents, author identification must be removed from the document’s properties (On the Word menu > Preferences), by starting in File, in the main menu, click on the sequence: File > Save as… > under Personal settings (or Mac book options) > click security… > under privacy options, select the Remove personal information from this file on save check box > OK > Save the document.;
c) In PDF, authors’ names must also be removed from Document Properties, under File in the main Adobe Acrobat menu.
Assessment process
At first, submitted articles must go through pre-assessment by the Editorial Board to check if they are pertinent to the focus and scope of the journal.
Once they are approved by this pre-assessment, the papers are submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees selected by specialty and/or affinity regarding the thematic content of the papers under evaluation, and who are not affiliated to the institution that the paper originates from.
The referees evaluate the quality of the papers according to their conceptual rigor, academic relevance, originality and clarity of exposition. They have the right to present a favorable opinion bounded on the reformulation of the article or akin paper, the right to present suggestions for reformulation, as well as the right to suggest editing the reformulated text, provided that any changes do not affect its content. If the opinion indicates reformulations, all of the pieces must be emphasized with paragraphs and/or pages highlights, as appropriate.
The referees have twenty calendar days to submit their opinion, from the date of submission of the article. This deadline may be extended for a shorter or equal period, at the discretion of the editorial coordinator, provided that the deadline extension does not result in a delay in the journal’s editorial work.
The referees are responsible for the opinion on the second round of assessment of the text for which they have suggested changes.
The referees must disclose to the editors any conflict of interest that may influence their opinions on the manuscript and declare themselves unqualified to evaluate specific original papers if they believe this to be the appropriate procedure.
The final revision of the approved paper is under the authors’ responsibility.
Text formatting
The process takes an average of three months, and the authors are notified in March, July and November.
Open Access Policy
REP follows an immediate open access policy to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge leads to grater global democratization of knowledge.
This policy aims to break down economic barriers that create inequalities both in access to information and in the publication of research results and extension practices that seek or fall within the journal’s editorial standards.
No charge is made for publishing articles.
Papers are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
Conservation Policy
Revista de Educação Popular is included in the Cariniana Digital Preservation Network, an initiative of the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT) to safeguard scientific, technological and cultural heritage, in a distributed way, by research institutions in partnership with IBICT. Data is physically stored in an interconnected way between the institution and IBICT using LOCKSS software.
Anti-Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism assumptions are: a) presenting other’s work as your own; b) using the words or ideas of other authors without giving proper credit; c) not using quotation marks in a verbatim quote; d) paraphrasing a source without mentioning it; e) abusive paraphrasing, even if the source is mentioned.
The general assumptions of scientific fraud are as follows: a) data fabrication, falsification or omission, and plagiarism; b) double publication; and c) authorship conflicts.
All accepted papers are submitted to a plagiarism detection software (Antiplagius).
Authors must bear any kind of consequences arising from not complying with the obligations set out in these editorial rules.
In cases which plagiarism is identified, the Editorial Coordination will act in accordance with the following procedures: evidence of the detected plagiarism will be sent to the author(s), requesting an explanation about it. If the answer is not satisfactory, the article will not be published and, if it is possible, the media in which the original plagiarized article was published will be informed.
Intellectual property
This is an open access journal. It is, therefore, essential that the authors, when using it as means of spreading their work, abide by ethical principles, so as to respect the intellectual property rights of the paper to be submitted.
Intellectual property of published articles is exclusive property of the authors, who cede the right to their public communication to the journal. The assignment term is governed by Law N° 9,610/1998, which amends, updates and consolidates copyright legislation in Brazil.
Opinions expressed in the published papers are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of REP’s editorial team.